Comparing the performance of the DubaiSat-2 and the DubaiSat-1 satellites for Earth Observation

August 04, 2021

A Close Look at DubaiSat-2 and DubaiSat-1 Satellites

When it comes to Earth observation, satellites play a crucial role in providing us with detailed imagery of our planet, dating back several years. Among the many Earth observation satellites, DubaiSat-1 and DubaiSat-2 are two important ones, launched by the United Arab Emirates.

While both satellites have their unique features and benefits, we are curious to know which came out on top based on the following factors:

  • Resolution
  • Imaging capability
  • Orbit altitude
  • Lifespan


DubaiSat-2, launched in 2013, has a higher resolution than DubaiSat-1, which was launched in 2009. DubaiSat-2 can capture images with a ground sampling distance (GSD) of up to 1 meter, while DubaiSat-1 has a GSD of up to 2.5 meters.

Imaging Capability

DubaiSat-2 has better imaging capability than DubaiSat-1, with the ability to capture multispectral images of up to four bands: blue, green, red, and near-infrared. Meanwhile, DubaiSat-1 captures images in only one band.

Orbit Altitude

DubaiSat-2 is orbiting at an altitude of approximately 600 km above the Earth's surface. In comparison, DubaiSat-1 orbits at an altitude of 680 km.


Both satellites were designed to operate for at least five years. However, DubaiSat-1 has exceeded its lifespan and is still operating, while DubaiSat-2 is still in operation.


In conclusion, while DubaiSat-1 was a game-changer in the field of Earth observation and played an important role in gathering data, DubaiSat-2 takes the lead when it comes to performance data. DubaiSat-2 has higher resolution, better imaging capability, is orbiting at a lower altitude, and is still operating according to designed expectations.


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